We love to build stuff for WordPress that makes us all more money.

We believe that a rising tide raises all ships.

Initially we created wplauncher out of necessity for ourselves. We needed the tools we built to grow our business and they didn't exist.

But as we built these tools for ourselves, we saw a storm on the horizon. We started seeing hosting companies gobbling up everything in their path.

This is when we decided we couldn't just keep what we were building to ourselves. We weren't the only ones that needed a stable ship in these turbulent waters, we all do.

A sea of change is upon us...

We need to work together to make the tides rise. Together, we can make sure that the profits of the WordPress economy fall in the hands of the many, and not just in the hands of the few.

Ben Shadle


Lee Shadle


Enough about us, ready

to launch a website?

Enough about us, ready to launch a website?